Shops that carry 603Glass

Where can I buy a Fish Whistle ?!
Joe works with stores/shops/galleries all over the country as part of the 603 Glass Fish Whistle Stocking Program. The official “fisheries” if you will! These are the best spots to find yourself a piece of 603 Glass. It’s hard for Joe to keep up with the demand fo online sales for his glass pieces, so the shops are a huge help! The best spots to land your own 603 Glass Fish Whistle, Dab Rig and more! Joe posts recent drops to his IG so be sure to follow! Also subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of this page for updates!
Click these links below to be routed to these shop’s websites or IG where you will be able to fish for your own piece of Joe’s work! Hit up those stores to check their inventory of available pieces! If you have a specific piece in mind hit up Joe on IG or via the contact page and he can direct you to the right place or sometimes make one direct. Custom orders and requests are a possibility although most of Joe’s time is spent filling orders for 603 Fish Whistle Stocking Program and the official fisheries. Thank you for supporting 603 Glass !